Do you enjoy live theater?     Love a good comedy?     Like helping people?             
Want to be a part of the fine arts community in Arlington?
Want to make a lot of great new friends?
If you love the theater, and especially Theatre Arlington, then this is the organization for you!

Click here for a Theatre Arlington Guild membership form

Theatre Arlington Guild Objectives

  • To generate enthusiasm for Theatre Arlington throughout the Metroplex
  • To help Theatre Arlington in many ways that benefit the staff and its patrons
  • To promote fellowship among its members
  • Fundraising for Theatre Arlington’s various needs
  • To make Theatre Arlington the best theater in the Metroplex 
  • To have fun!

How can I help?

  • Usher and greet patrons at all performances 
  • Assist with organizing the prop and costume rooms
  • Provide essential office and phone work in administration office
  • Help with the mailing of show cards, annual campaign letters and audition opportunities 
  • Be a part of our fun catering and reception team, which includes preparation, set-up, serving and clean-up.

For more information about the Theatre Arlington Guild, please call 817-261-9628


Susan Malone

1st Vice-Presidents of Special Events
Pam Hardaway
Robin Vaughn

2nd Vice-President of Fundraising
Donna Sellers

3rd Vice-President of Membership

Gayle Krengel

4th Vice-President of Volunteer Services
Sandra Reinhardt

5th Vice-President of Communications
Beth Marshall

Marion White

Jan Taborsky

Bill Bentley

Theatre Arlington Guild History

The Theatre Arlington Guild (TAG) was organized in 1993 by a group of theater-loving individuals who had the desire to help Theatre Arlington in anyway possible. Over the years, we have increased our membership to over 100 members and our one common goal is to make Theatre Arlington one of the top community theaters in the country. Our Guild helps make the TA staff’s job a little easier and in turn, that helps them put the best plays and musicals on the stage.