Guild App

Do you enjoy live theater?
Love a good comedy?
Like helping people?
Want to be a part of the fine arts community in Arlington?
Want to make a lot of great new friends?

If you love the theater, and especially Theatre Arlington, then this is the organization for you!

Click HERE for a Theatre Arlington Guild membership form.

Theatre Arlington Guild Objectives

~ To generate enthusiasm for Theatre Arlington throughout the Metroplex

~ To help Theatre Arlington in many ways that benefit the staff and its patrons

~ To promote fellowship among its members

~ Fundraising for Theatre Arlington’s various needs

~ To make Theatre Arlington the best theater in the Metroplex

~ To have fun!

How can I help?

~ Usher and greet patrons at all performances

~ Provide essential office and phone work in administration office

~ Help with the mailing of show cards, annual campaign letters and audition opportunities

~ Be a part of our fun catering and reception team, which includes preparation, set-up, serving and clean-up.

For more information about the
Theatre Arlington Guild, please call